Tax Agent in Dubai, UAE
Federal law no. (7) of 2017 on Tax Procedures provides for the appointment of a tax agency in UAE. To represent taxpayers before the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) on their tax matters and taxable obligations.
MASAR is one of the tax agents registered in UAE. MASAR is authorized by the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) to be appointed as tax agents by corporations and businesses. To represent them before the Federal Tax Authority (FTA).
MASAR is a tax agent agency registered with FTA in the United Arab Emirates. We have a qualified team of accountants who are dedicated to solving all your tax problems. They have managed and controlled many situations and provided the most suitable solutions for different companies. Helping them to conduct their business in the best possible way. Let us handle all your tax matters for your business. While your key management employees can focus on other important tasks. MASAR is a UAE-registered tax agency in UAE, acting as a mediator between the FTA and taxpayers. MASAR will provide tax agent services and represent your company in tax matters before the FTA. At MASAR, tax agent services ensure that the duties of a tax agent are fulfilled and that all responsibilities are understood and fulfilled.

Who is a Tax Agents and Tax Agency in UAE?
A Tax Agent is registered with the FTA and is appointed by registered taxpayers to represent them before the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). And assist them in assessing their tax obligations and exercising their related tax rights. The tax agent can be the legal representative of the company before the FTA in all tax matters. Registered tax agents can ensure that companies fulfill their tax obligations. Although the concept of a tax agency in UAE is to help companies meet their tax obligations. A taxable person doesn’t need to appoint a tax agent. The appointment of a tax agent does not release the taxpayer from her obligations. The taxable person has final legal responsibility for the transactions with the FTA by the tax agent on his behalf.
Why hire MASAR Tax Agents Services?
There are numerous benefits to outsourcing your tax work to a professional agency. Federal law no. (7) of 2017 on Tax Procedures specifies the appointment of a Tax agency in UAE. To represent taxable persons before the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) regarding their tax matters and taxable obligations.
Tax Assistance and Tax Representation:
Tax determinations and tax representations before federal tax authorities are quite complex and require more experience. A tax agency in UAE, UAE would help and simplify all these formalities for the taxpayer. Thus easing their burden before the tax authorities.
Save time and money: Tax agents in Dubai:
Tax matters for a company can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. It encompasses duties and responsibilities that include everything from VAT registration. VAT planning, and VAT advice to normal VAT compliance in Dubai, UAE. Dedicating resources and managing tax matters becomes a costly and time-consuming business. Hiring a tax agent will not only save you time and money. But it will also offer additional benefits that will come from their experience and knowledge of the field.
TAX Return Filing:
Filing taxes and returns to the Federal Tax Authority in Dubai. UAE is a regular task and must be done on time and with utmost accuracy. Delays, errors, and inaccuracies are heavily fined by the federal tax authority. Our tax agents can plan and assist you in filing regular and accurate returns.
Long-term Consultant:
We can be with you for a long time and help you with various business transactions. We offer our advice on any major changes in government policies, changes to tax laws. Tax updates, and other related clarifications.